05-06-03 is my FIRST DATE
17-06-06 is my WEDDING DATE
05-04-07 is ZATI's BIRTHDAY
17-12-08 is MIMI's BIRTHDAY

Monday, June 30, 2008


When I say I don't mind about this tagging thing, doesn't mean that you can give 4 tags. Diah!!!!!!!!!!! Apa la ko ni.
But see I can accomplished within 1 hour plus....

Aku rasa aku tak nak buat, sebab susah. Sori Diah

TAG NO. 2 :
Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.

1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes I do. Because that happens to me and my husband.

2. Have you ever felt stupid? Why?
I did. But unfortunately, can't seem to remember. Duhh..

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
My house

4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Not to work, but still have money in my pocket throughout my life

6. If the weather is too hot, where will u go to make urself cooler?
In front of my fan, but if still hot in the toilet, taking a bath

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Bayar hutang, then buy everything I've ever dream of, then invest

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Yes, and me ends up marrying him

9. Who are the top five people in the world you would wish to meet?
No one

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Understanding and responsible

11. Which type of cars I love the most?

12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or a kiss?
Hug, because makes me feel very secure

13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

15. Are you a shopaholic or not?

16. What peeves you the most?
Two-faced person

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Not being too sensitive

18. How many children do you want?
2 or 3

19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?

20. Would you still be friend your best friend whom had betrayed your trust?
No, thank you

I think my friends are doing this tag

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Aku punya turn plak...

Tu hari cik Zamose telah mempromosikan Lilypie dia. Uih...bukan main lagi. Dah dapat letak kat blog masing2, beriya-iala menyuruh aku menepekkan mende alah tu. Aku org terakhir yang dapat buat. (Jangan masuk cik Anem...sbb dia anak tak keluar lagi. So, tak masuk dalam kategori wajib letak). OK nak dijadikan cerita, tadi aku menggodek2 blog orang lain. Dan tak semena2 aku ternampak Look-alike Meter tu. Nampak macam menarik, aku tryla buat. Ada leceh sikit. Tengok2 boleh attach kat blog. So, dengan rasminya aku mempromosi la kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan tu, boleh cuba letak. Cik Zamose kata nak letak, tapi dia kata layout kena tukar. Jadik...tu bukan alasannya. Hahaha. Kena letak jugak. Sebab aku nak tengok wajah cun jelita terbaru dia tu. Oh...aku tambah sikit. Aku letak mini ticker untuk anniversary aku. So, lepas ni aku takkan letak apa2 lagi accessories kat blog aku, sebab aku rasa blog aku dah macam kereta berhias. Berwarna-warni sangat. Tadi pun aku sesaja message Diah. Nak tanya khabar. Apa jadik dengan bride-to-be tu. Senyap je. Rupanya sibuk kat sekolah. Ada apa ntah, aku lupa. Dia bagi tau tadi. Dia mention yang dia jumpa cikgu Hamizah kat situ. So, aku remind dia yang dia dah kena tag dengan cik Zamose, dan harapnya dia dapatla update blog dia termasuk sila2 la singgah kat blog kengkawan yang dah berubah wajah masing2. Hmm...tengok gaya bila la aku nak berjumpa dengan cik Diah ni.....

Friday, June 27, 2008

2nd Post for the Day...

Ari ni aku tengok bebudak ni letak sampai 2 posts kat blog masing2. So, aku pun nak tirula. Topic yang aku nak bring up kat sini ialah things that I dream of having, tak kisahla bila pun. Ada rezeki hopefully dapat capai impianku ini....

1. My dream car : VOLVO XC90


2. My daughter's wardrobe collection : Oshkosh B'gosh (Very classic type of kids wear)


3. My own house, fully furnished by English style, with cute set of my own children' playground in the yard.


4. To have a family vacation : Anywhere will do

TAG...Tak penah tahu maksudnya

Aku pernah kena tag, tapi tak tau apa benda, dan tak mau ambik tau satu masa dulu (sebabnya tak berapa aktif dalam dunia blog). Dengan tetiba aku kena Tag dengan Zamose. Nasib baik senang nak buatnya. Kalau yang bukan2 nak godek sana sini, jawabnya...malasla aku.
1 minit lalu, apa yang anda buat
Baru lepas mencekik, tak sempat tunggu lunch break, sebab lapar. Takde orang takpe....
1 hari yang lalu, apa anda buat
Ni aku agak semalam kot (betul ke Zamose?). Menghabiskan work load yang banyak pending. Plus...dapat handphone sponsorship dari bos aku untuk sepanjang aku keje kat sini. (Kalau berenti, pulang balik). Hmmph, lokek orang tua ni.
1 hari lagi apa anda akan buat
Stay kat umah the whole day sampai mak aku pegi Kelantan untuk kursus. Then, hantar dia dengan kawan dia kat bus stand.
1 orang yang terakhir menelefon kamu
Bos aku menanyakan passport dia dah sampai kat ofis ke belum. Pastu dia nak ambik, pastu dia balik Singapore. BALIKLA......... Dan aku hooray......
1 makanan yang baru dibeli
Sup nasi ayam (sup aje) dengan daging lembu masak lada hidup. Saja nak top up kat bekal aku
1 barang yang baru hilang
Ntah ek...macam takde. Oh, kasut Zati nyaris hilang sebelah semalam. Rupanya satu kat bakul mainan, satu lagi baru jumpa pagi tadi dlm toddler bag dia
1 cerita yang baru ditonton
Sama macam Zamose. Ezora. Bukan peminat setia pun. Sebab balik keje terus duduk depan TV kejap, sampai Maghrib, baru masuk bilik.
1 hal terakhir yang digossipkan
Takde kut. Belum chat dengan cik Intan lagi. So, tak tau apa cerita dia kat sana. Aku kat sini bergossip dengan tembok je
1 kata yang ingin diluahkan
Takde...sebab dah terluah.
1 buku yang sudah dibaca
Buku masak memasak kot. Tapi tak hafal la
1 penyakit yang sering datang
Recently la...pening kepala dengan semput
1 keinginan
Nak jalan-jalan (kat JB), shopping-shopping (kat Jusco), makan-makan (kat Nandos)
Akhirnya...first Tag yang aku dah buat.
Sekian, terima kasih.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Arini dah Khamis. Pejam celik je. For all you know esok dah Jumaat. This week bos aku ada kat ofis. Memandangkan semalam dah sibuk nak mampus, so hari ni kurang sibuk la. Plus, my boss calls one candidate for 2nd interview. Fortunately, she actually accept the job offer, though the salary is not that high (for me lah). Alah, memangla keje tak berapa banyak. Then, bila budak tu balik je, my boss actually confessed to me that the girl is too young and probably she won’t stay long in the company. Pada aku la, memangla budak2 je yang boleh ambik gaji banyak tu. Kalau nak someone yang capable of doing a lot of things, gaji dah kena adjust tinggi sikit. But then, boss aku try je ambik budak tu (daripada takde). So, aku la yang kena train dia. Harap2nya dia boleh catch up dengan cepatla. Kalau tak aku jugak yang susah.

Ni mana ni, daripada tadi aku tunggu bos aku tak balik2 dari bank dengan 1st PA dia. Takpela…stay la lama2 kat luar. Karang tau2 dah kul 6. Aku boleh terus balik. Actually, lepas aku siapkan keje tadi..tetiba plak aku jadik blurr. Ntah kenapa. Macam otak aku totally kosong. Taknak fikir, taknak apa.

This weekend mak aku takde. Starting from Sunday to Tuesday. Pegi Kelantan, ada kursus pencen. Dia actually pencen bulan December, but then cuti dia ada 2 bulan lagi. So, dia ambik cuti terus on October. Pencen awal la kiranya. So, I’m not sure whether nak plan pegi mana2 tak hari Ahad nanti. Because next week, we are planning to go to Melaka. Gi umah mentua aku. So, nak pakai duit banyak gak tu. Shopping for necessities tu kena la. Takpela, aku ajak je la husband aku gi shopping jap Ahad ni. Lagipun nak belikan baju baru untuk Zati. Dah survey last week. Ada satu Dungaree Overall. Cute plak. Mintak2 ada lagi kat Jusco tu.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Selasa pulak.....

Aku ni tulis blog hari2, mcm org tak betul namanya. Buat mcm diari la konon. Tapi, mana boleh mcm diari sangat. Terkejut orang membacanya. Hari ni aku berjangkit penyakit cik Intan semalam. Tapi, untuk mengubatkannya, aku takde la rasa nak meletak gambo kawin aku. Lagipun takde pada aku sekarang. Mana ntah aku letak. Yang dalam album gambar ada la. Nak kata aku ikut cuaca semasa, takdela pulak mendung2 nak ujan. Bosan la. Nak bercakap dengan orang, kat sini takde orang. Tembok2, meja, kerusi, ada la. Nak ilang boring sikit, dapatla bercakap dengan cik Intan. Tapi, bukannya dapat keluar suara. Bercakap pakai jari je. Tu pun cik kak tu kejap ada, kejap tak.
Ikutkan...patutnya tak payah gi keje je. Baikla aku stay rumah dengan anak aku. Dalam keadaan macam ni anak aku la segala-galanya. Kalau tengah sedih, marah, dia la pengubatnya. Hish, bosannya. Tambah lagi...belum payday. Se'eh betul.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Isnin lagi...

This time around, kalau orang tanya aku...memang tengah tak bz. Actually, aku sibuk. Memandangkan bos aku macam dah tak ingat dia ada ofis, so most of the works stop kejap. Yelah, without his knowledge, aku takleh suka2 nak buat. Lainla kalau aku salah satu authorised person untuk sign cheque. Uih...apa tak melenting aku dibuatnya. Suka la aku. Dia tak masuk pun takpe. Tapi dengar cerita dari PA dia yg lagi satu, dia akan masuk minggu ni. Masukla. Pastu karang dia mengamuk sorang2. Dalam pada banyak benda pending, dia boleh pegi melancong.
Hujung minggu tu hari, memang boring. Bila aku baca blog Anem, betul apa yg dia cakap. Kalau dulu minyak tak naik harga, dah lama aku bawak anak aku jalan2. Tapi...dah naik ni, kenala tahan nafsu sikit. Yelah, kalau gatal2 tangan nak keluar jugak, gamaknya aku pegi keje jalan kaki la. Kalau dah jalan walaupun window shopping, mesti nak makan plak. Takkan nak bawak bekal. Bukan kat taman bunga. Kat shopping complex, buat mcm tu...ada pelik sikit. Nak tak nak, tunggu payday jela. Satu kali jalan, seharian, dari pagi sampai malam. Kat rumah tu hari, nak masak apa pun tak tau. Tengahari buat telur masak kicap...sebab laki aku suka makan telur. Petang buat sardine roll. Rajin tak rajinla. Daripada tak buat apa.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Coretan Time Takde Mood Nak Keje

Baru semalam aku tulis blog. Ari ni aku nak cakap Melayu.Asyik ckp omputih, bengong jugak rasanya. Ofis takde orang. Tinggallah aku terkangkang kat sini. Mujur ada kengkawan yang sudi menemani diri ini. Cewah...Yelah, kalau tak busy bolehla borak2. Tapi takkan hari2 nak borak. Macam takde keje pulak. Bukan jadik manager, hari2 takyah buat keje. Doklah berpura2 depan komputer menekan-nekan keyboard. Buat apa, rupanya bercot cet kat internet. Tengah ada semangat nak buat blog, baik buat. Ini adalah hasil usaha dan idea daripada cik Intan kita. Memula cik kak tu berangan nak letak jam. Sudahnya, dalam pada aku tengah pening2 lalat baru lepas muntah, ntah apa jadahnya aku gi letak jam kat blog aku. Hentam punya hentam...jadik plak tu. Walaupun tak lawa, adala rupa batang idung jam tu. Pastu Intan ajak masuk conference room....Pening jugak sebab tak biasa masuk. Topik kita hari ni ye murid2, mesyuarat tingkap yang mengisahkan ibu2 meluahkan apa yang dikategorikan sesuai untuk tatapan ibu2 dan bakal2 ibu. Sesapa yang single tu digalakkan turut serta untuk mempercepatkan lagi pembinaan masjid yang masih belum terbina. Then...dah sudah mesyuarat aku update la semula blog aku dengan menambah ruangan cakap2 dan my own personal juke box. Lagu ada 4 ketul je. Jap gi tambah lagi. Nak test2 dulu. Takdela...tengok blog orang lain cantik2, kreatif plak tu. Aku ni bolehla dikatakan tak berapa tinggi pengetahuan dalam bab2 blog ni. Tu pasal la, dulu2 blog aku asyikla tak menjadi. So...harap2 kali ni menjadikla dan berpanjangan selama yang boleh untuk dijadikan kenangan.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

3rd week of JUNE 2008

Okay...First thing first. BOS TAKDE!!!!! Yey....Not only for today. But, for the whole week. Guess where did he go? Fishing. In Sarawak. He's a fish lover. Not to say normal fish..but salted type. But that's not the right answer to give to his client, whenever I received their calls. The answer will always be 'BOS? HE'S OUTSTATION'. Hmm...kind of bored thinking there's nothing to do. I just recovered from my athma. Not fully recovered...since I can't take my normal medication due to early pregnancy. I suppose to have one interview appointment today at 11. So, I'll be conducting the interview in a while. Let her fill up those 4 pages form. It's not a big position to fill up anyway.
Starting from last week till today, I've been chatting all the while with Cik Intan. She's the only who's always online. Not to say always....but most of the time she's there to accompany me. From her, I manage to chat with Aisyah too. It's good to get together with old friends. Ooohhh...what to say. She's getting feminine. Cunla Esah. Good for her she's been involving with the entertainment business for her spare time, as extra roles in quite a few dramas. Congrates girl. As for yesterday, chat for a few minutes with Anem. Going to be a mother next month. Good luck and hopefully everything will go smoothly. And today...finally Cik Intan decided to update her blog...after a long time. At least she got something to do too...
Okay, times up. Have to stop first. The girl already called me. 'Okay, miss. I'm done'.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Unpredictable Pregnancy...

Why do I come up with that topic today? For no reason...but unlikely it's me who's facing with that situation. After I gave birth to Zati, we didn't plan to have another one and didn't plan not to have another one. Neither one...sounds strange. On the other hand...based on medical advise, the doctor advise every mother to have a second child after 2 years period from the first birth. My case...oklah. Haven't reached 2 years yet, but thinking that I'm going to be 30 in 3 years time, it's better have kids before 30. But that depends on our rezeki. My husband always tells me, though we may not be rich, don't think that to raise our children is a burden. Because, that's a gift from Allah. Our children are the one that's going to change our life to be better.
Though we just officially told by the doctor during the past 4 days, actually we already know for a about a month. Realizing that my period has stopped, started to have morning sickness, the usual symptom that I experienced before...we thought that I might be pregnant again. Surprised...until I didn't tell my mum. But, still...I think she knew all along. The reason that I'm not telling her is that...she once told me to plan for my second pregnancy. From my understanding, she might hope to have a second grandchild when Zati is around 3-4 years old. Well, what can i say. This one is really unpredictable. I don't really care whether I'm going to have a girl or boy this time. For me, it's still the same. Though most people out there tend to have a pair. What I hope is hopefully he/she is safe & healthy.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Minyak naik

Terrible...That was my first word hearing of the petrol price increment. Ini macam jalan kaki la pegi keje. Very unlucky for the year of 2008. Everything naik. Household, petrol, transportation fares. That leaves everyone with no choice. This shouldn't happen you know. For those highly earned folks, this won't be their major problem. They still can manage to fulfill their satisfaction, wheras for people like me...the necessities have to come first which now I can say cukup-cukup makan. See how la. Might want to think of getting myself a bicycle and travel all the way to work. Wa...How is it going to be leh....