Ari ni aku tengok bebudak ni letak sampai 2 posts kat blog masing2. So, aku pun nak tirula. Topic yang aku nak bring up kat sini ialah things that I dream of having, tak kisahla bila pun. Ada rezeki hopefully dapat capai impianku ini....

1. My dream car : VOLVO XC90

2. My daughter's wardrobe collection : Oshkosh B'gosh (Very classic type of kids wear)
3. My own house, fully furnished by English style, with cute set of my own children' playground in the yard.
4. To have a family vacation : Anywhere will do
wah...dream car ko sama dengan aku lah beb! 1st time aku jumpa org sama ngan aku..hehehe.. ;p;p;p
tp sakng aku ada tambahan, suka LEXUS. nyeh nyeh nyeh. tapi hanya impian kut, minyak mahal lah, nanti end up beli keta sebagai perhiasan kat garaj umah jek..hehehe... ;p;p;p
Wah sue...
Exactly sama ke?
Tak terpikir la plak.
Cuma tak perasan ko ada blog baru ke?
Never tell me
Boleh letak link ko kat blog aku tak?
Or you prefer to make it confdential?
Lexus is OK also la
Cuma aku suka pattern Volvo, very classic & sophisticated
Angan2 dan tak tau sampai tua boleh beli ke tak
Aku nak pakai kete sorong jek la... xyah pakai minyak...huhuhu
Ko nak suruh sape sorong cik Anem?
Anak ko ke laki ko
hehehehe.. musim byk2 post in one day! bravo!!!
time tgh rajin galak le mengepost...kang kalo malas berbulan tak update...hehehe...
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